The Holiday Season: Gifts

As we find ourselves in the holiday season, I thought it was appropriate to share a small tidbit about myself: I take gift-giving very seriously. 

I haven’t always been this way. I think that was largely due to working with a tight budget. My budget isn’t grand nowadays either, but it is enough that I can put more thought into the gifts I give. Now, that is not to say that money makes for a good gift. Some of the best gifts are free, like a handwritten note or craft. But, I have more options within a slightly larger budget. 

However, I also think my gift-giving has changed because my view of people has changed. I didn’t always value relationships as much as I do now. I think part of growing and nurturing a relationship is being extremely intentional. I wasn’t always this way. People weren’t always at the forefront of my mind like they are now.

To me, gift-giving is about finding something extremely unique to the recipient or recipients. Sometimes, that can take time. Other times, it is quite simple. Oftentimes, I am that person who thinks of a gift months in advance. 

More specifically, I am that person who listens to someone briefly mention something in passing, and I hold onto it for the next celebration, whether that is their birthday, Christmas, or maybe even just because. I am always hunting for the next great gift for someone I know and love.

Most importantly, I love making people feel special, seen, and heard. Sometimes, that might come in the form of a personalized gift. And I don’t simply mean gifts that come with their name on it. Although, that is certainly an option. 

No, instead, I LOVE those types of gifts that require the extra mile to make them possible. The types of gifts that require me to do research, that require me to jump through hoops, or that involve creating something. I think people deserve that.  

I also like to find gifts that I don’t think someone would buy for himself or herself. I like the idea of gifting an item that I think he or she would love to have but would never purchase or even cross their mind to own. There’s something special about going outside the lines of the typical gift. 

With all this in mind, you can imagine how upset I might be if I can’t think of a gift for someone. Truthfully, when a gift isn’t coming to mind, I feel gutted. I feel like I’ve let myself down and, most importantly, the recipient down by not knowing him or her well enough. I know deep relationships take time and I must work with what I know. Nevertheless, it really does pain me. 

I guess what I am trying to say is if you ever receive a gift from me, I’ve thought long and hard about it. I care deeply. Like I said, I want you to feel loved, seen, and heard. Your gift matters to me because your life matters to me. 

And if you’ve never thought long and hard about a gift for someone, I challenge you to do so. I am not saying spend more money. I mean really consider what someone may like, even if it is something small. 

For example, one of my friends received a huge bottle of ketchup for his birthday one year and he loved it. Why? Because he loved ketchup. I guarantee you that the gift was quite inexpensive, yet it meant a lot to my friend.

I wanted to provide a list of inexpensive gifts that might mean a lot to someone. Granted, you might look at this list and it may not inspire you, and that’s okay. However, there is a chance it may be just what you need to read. 

Also, you’ll notice gift cards are not on this list. I write all of this strongly discouraging them. There is a time and place for them, yes. However, for me, they are a last-ditch effort if I have exhausted all options. I know not everyone may agree–and that’s okay! 

You’ll also see many of the items on my list are experiences–things you can do together. Creating memories together is priceless and so easy to do. 

Alas, my list follows:

A funny or thoughtful card with a handwritten note inside.

A mug with a design unique to the person

A blanket with a design or color unique to the person.

BAKED GOODS. Yes! I’ve done it before and it is so fun! 

Or, for the bakers in your life, a unique baking item or tool. For instance, WalMart is the sole distributor of Nestle Toll House espresso chocolate chips. I would be ELATED if I got a couple of those bags for Christmas. 

Dinner on you at their place of choice–that you eat and enjoy together! And yes, this can be McDonald’s!

A trip to the nail salon–together. 

A day filled with options of things to do, for each time of day. My husband did this for me for my birthday years ago and it is one of my fondest memories. 

This one could be pricier, but going to a store to pick out an outfit! Obviously, you can pick a pricier store. Or, you could go to the thrift store and truly have no idea what you may find–and do so on a budget!

Spend the day perusing bookstores together. If your recipient finds one he or she loves, buy it. 

Mini golf. I know not all mini golf is cheap, but some places are quite affordable.

A unique hot sauce for the foodies or spicy lovers in your life. 

For the coffee lovers, set up a time to get coffee together and pay for it.

Replenish someone’s stash of something they love. For instance, like the ketchup I mentioned earlier. Or, if your friend loves a certain soda, candy, or drink.

Truthfully, I could go on and on. But, I think you get the point. Experiences matter. People matter. Gift-giving doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, it can nurture and deepen a relationship. You just have to put a little bit of thought into it. I promise you it is more than worth it.

So, may your gift-giving challenge you and surprise you, dear friends, whether it be during the holiday season or any other celebration in between.



Thank you dearly for taking time out of your lives to read my blog! Your support means the world to me. I praise God you found this blog, whether you stumbled upon it accidentally or sought it out intentionally.

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I pray God would bless you and be with you always, no matter where you find yourselves in life.

He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. – Romans 4:25 (NIV).

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